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 Analytical Chemistry for Week of 11/1/09

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Posts : 69
Join date : 2009-10-22

Analytical Chemistry for Week of 11/1/09 Empty
PostSubject: Analytical Chemistry for Week of 11/1/09   Analytical Chemistry for Week of 11/1/09 I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 01, 2009 11:36 pm

So can I confirm that Dr. Stringfield has not posted the homework that should be due Tuesday, nor the Excel sheet that we are supposed to fill out for our kick-ass candy lab? I'm trying to stay ahead of this class, and after a freakin HORRIBLE weak last week I'm trying to make this one as smooth as possible. So is Stringfield partying hard for Halloween or am I missing where he posted our assignments? Is the M and M lab report due Thursday?
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Analytical Chemistry for Week of 11/1/09
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