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 Take home #3 answer key Anal Chem

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Take home #3 answer key Anal Chem Empty
PostSubject: Take home #3 answer key Anal Chem   Take home #3 answer key Anal Chem I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 07, 2009 1:57 am

Just saw the answer key is posted. Looks like he messed up on #1b though. I emailed him. He had that F-.05, but I think it should say F=.250. If so, his solution in not correct. Also, I am not sure what he was asking for on #4. I thought he wanted concentrations, but it looks like he just posted the fractional compositions as the answer.
I think I will totally bomb this final and just wish I could get it over with now!
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PostSubject: Re: Take home #3 answer key Anal Chem   Take home #3 answer key Anal Chem I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 07, 2009 3:08 am

uh oh, that's especially scary to me. I never knew what he wanted in the first place. I thought we were supposed to just plug numbers into those formulas. I know I missed the first one. In fact, I probably missed 1 a & b, and #2 Forgot to make a copy of my work, too.
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Take home #3 answer key Anal Chem
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