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 Biotech news....

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Posts : 25
Join date : 2009-10-23

Biotech news.... Empty
PostSubject: Biotech news....   Biotech news.... I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 04, 2009 4:12 am

I think we should have a general Biotech news topic, so we can stay up to date in our field. Any news or anything we should post here so everyone can stay up to date. It can come in handy in an interview... In engineering it was good to stay up to date on developing stuff. I never got any questions about it, but I'd heard that some people had questions about engineering stuff in the news during interview. I don't know exactly what they asked, but it could be a nice talking piece. I dunnno... anyways....

In the news... can't remember the paper (online), but it was talking about a Biotech company called Genzyme... There are like multiple claims and apparenty evidence has shown that there is garbage particles in their pills. BUT they aren't going to shut them down cus they are one of the very very few companies that make medications that treat rare protein disorders... Interesting stuff....
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Posts : 69
Join date : 2009-10-22

Biotech news.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Biotech news....   Biotech news.... I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 04, 2009 5:29 am

I can create more forums besides just "General" if people are interested in discussing other things. I'll toss one up for it in a sec.
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